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Workshop Phase 1

April 18-20, 2016

MIAM (ITU), Istanbul

ERC Beyond East and West Workshops Phase 1, 18-20 April 2016, MIAM, Istanbul


Day 1 - 18 Apr, Monday


10:00-11:00                 Workshops Introduction/Outline

All Musicians playing in the Opera

11:00-12:00                 Introduction to Makams – led by Michael Ellison

Western Instrumentalists (all other musicians)

12:00-13:00                 Notation – led by Michael Ellison and Onur Türkmen

All Musicians


Lunch Break (13:00-14:00)


14:00-15:00                 Makam ‘lesson’ – Tuning and Improvisation in makams – led by Michael Ellison

All Musicians

15:00-16:00                 Approaches to Notation Piece 1 (Onur Türkmen, Sailing to Byzantium)

All Musicians

16:30-17:30                 Approaches to Notation Piece 2 (Michael Ellison, Deniz Küstü)

All Musicians


Day 2 - 19 Apr, Tuesday


10:00-11:00                 Makam Workshop  (Uşşak and Hüseyni Makam) – led by Michael Ellison

Western Instrumentalists

11:00-12:00                 Makam Workshop led by Michael Ellison and Nermin Kaygusuz (four-string kemençe)

Western Instrumentalists

12:00-13:00                 Timbres and vibrato free discussion

All Musicians and Robert Reigle


Lunch Break (13:00-14:00)


14:00-14:45                 Approaches to Notation – Examples from Opera

All Musicians

15:00-16:00                 Opera Section troubleshooting – defining issues

All Musicians


Day 3 - 20 Apr, Wednesday


10:00-11:30                 Makam Workshop (Hicaz makam) – led by Michael Ellison

Western Instrumentalists

11:30-13:00                 Makam Workshop – led by Michael Ellison and Bassem Alkhouri (kanun)


Lunch Break (13:00-14:00)


14:00 -15:30                Working with a conductor – led by conductor Michael Rafferty and Ulrich Mertin

Traditional Instrumentalists, others welcome

15:00-16:00                 Review and Rehearsal

All Musicians


16:00-17:00                 Mini-concert of Türkmen's pieces, improvisations, and excerpts from the opera

All Musicians (Open to all MIAM community)

17:00-18:30                 Reflections with players and audience

All Musicians

Photographs courtesy of Amanda Bayley
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